Saturday, February 27, 2010

What I've been reading

Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink. Only reason I picked up this book from the library was his latest book wasn't available. This is one of those books which tries to make neuroscience more pragmatic by minimizing the technicalities. Since lot of mundane reasoning of the left brain can now be done by those ubiquitous computers, the triumph of human uniqueness is bound to  come from right  brain - the creative part of the brain. Based on this presumption, this book lays out six factors driven by the right brain which might enhance our USP in life and career.

  • Design - Moving beyond function to engage the sense.
  • Story - Narrative added to products and services - not just argument. Best of the six senses.
  • Symphony - Adding invention and big picture thinking (not just detail focus).
  • Empathy - Going beyond logic and engaging emotion and intuition.
  • Play - Bringing humor and light-heartedness to business and products.
  • Meaning - the purpose is the journey, give meaning to life from inside yourself.

This book was written in 2005, in retrospect lots of it are now self-evident, so it was boring to me (developing a hatred for confirmation bias). Nevertheless since there is so much clarity in his clairvoyance, I am looking forward to read his new book - Drive:The surprising truth about what motivates us.

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